Nigerian women in Diaspora who grew up in Nigeria are trained a certain way.
To look after their man and their family. Work and other commitments have
not got in the way of a Nigerian woman trying to do the above duties. They
cook, clean, iron, do kids homework, arrange the kids’ clothes, shop, you name
it. On top of all these, most Nigerian women have educated jobs, contribute.
and pay bills. As a Nigerian man let us appreciate that these women were
trained well in Nigeria. We might get other things abroad, but we will not get
this. Not all our female children will be able to do half of what their mum is
doing for their dads, not for lack of trying but the diaspora does not raise them
like that.
I dread to think what an educated Nigerian woman will become in the hands of
a foreigner who appreciates her brilliance and hard work. It’s already
happening but it is not too late to say, “it’s time to appreciate our own
“Nigerian women in Diaspora”. The reality is cooking, tidying your clothes and
domestics are now optional, she can pay someone to do it so she can spend
time with you. Her professional counterparts are getting respect from their
partners and at the end of the day, the truth is her money will also make you
look good. They also have faults but today is not that day.