Feb 2020: $311m received from Jersey Island, United Kingdom, $322m from
Switzerland, $23m from USA and France ready $150m (November 2023) It
seems that our Country Nigeria is becoming poorer, the more our leaders are
screaming they are working harder. I would sincerely encourage the Govt to
look past their inner circles and see Nigerians with new ideas that can help our
nation. Our money is stolen and mismanaged.
Look at our politics and where money is spent or misspent. Today, money that
could have been spent to motivate the youths with new & modern
international employment partnerships are mainly going to projects that have
very little or no impact in the life of the average Nigerian. Spending
billions of Niara on roads that are washed away by erosion is wastage. Are our
leaders out of ideas? Abacha returned loot is over $200m with the new
amount of $150m announced by the US Government. We want to be in the
forefront of asking the Govt to reach out to Nigerians in diaspora who can
partner, motivate and create new international jobs for Nigerian youths in
Nigeria. Enough of the wastage.